Friday 30 December 2016

Étoile de Noël

As 2016 draws to an end, here’s a quick look back at one of the festive French activities that we did during advent throughout KS2: learning a French Christmas carol called Étoile de Noël (Christmas Star). 

Étoile de Noël is a French Christmas resource from the Joyeux Noël activity pack published by La Jolie Ronde and is available to purchase here:

At the start of the festive season, our learning intention was to understand and join in with this French Christmas song.  

First of all, we looked at the title of the song Étoile de Noël and the children were challenged to work in groups in order to translate it into English.  Some children quickly translated it correctly by being able to recall the words for "star" and "Christmas" that they had previously learnt.  They also remembered how the word order can sometimes be different in French than English so that the literal translation of the song was “Star of Christmas” but sounded better as “Christmas Star” in English.  Other children used a bilingual dictionary to support them with this task and a few needed visual prompts (teacher pointing to a picture of a star).
Next, we listened to the song so that the children could familiarise themselves with this new tune and they were instructed to listen out for any familiar vocabulary that they could share with the rest of the class.  Many children could clearly understand the title of the song being sung at various points within the song and some understood odd words previously learnt such as la nuit (night) and les enfants (children).

We then built on this by looking at some more key words from the song.  The pupils were instructed to match up pictures of key words with the written word using bilingual dictionaries if needed.  Bilingual dictionaries were not always needed as some children made links between the French word les enfants with the English word “infants” and commented on how the French word une ronde looked like the English word “round” that indeed describes the shape of a circle!  Some also recognised toi and moi from general questioning in our weekly lessons.  We listened to the song for the second time at this point and the children were instructed to listen out for the key words in the song that we had just discussed and try to understand the general gist of the song.

Finally, we looked at the whole lyrics and with a little bit of body language from the teacher, the children successfully worked together as a class to translate them into English.  We listened to the song for the third time and the children tried to understand and follow as much of it as possible. 

Before the children were encouraged to join in singing the song themselves, we spent some time learning how to correctly pronounce the lyrics, paying particular attention to the French sound oi.  This sound is repeated throughout the song (étoile, moi, toi) and is a tricky sound to remember how to correctly pronounce.  We looked at examples of other French words that they have already learnt that contain the same sound: trois, croissant, noir, oiseau, poisson, oie etc…  

The children thoroughly enjoyed singing along to this French carol and once they were confident with their singing, they even put their own actions to the song!

Towards the end of advent, some classes performed this song in front of an audience such as a school assembly, Christmas concert, carol service etc…  What an achievement!

We followed on by making a star themed French Christmas card in class for the children to take home and share with their families.  The children wrote their cards in French of course and some even recorded themselves singing this song and then created a QR code for their families to scan with a QR code reader app and enjoy listening to over the Christmas holidays!
Here are some examples of the cards that the children decorated.  They are all beautiful, but the French themed ones are particularly impressive!

Bravo les enfants!

Joyeux Noël!
Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année!