Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Mardi Gras! Tu aimes les crêpes?

This week, pupils enjoyed celebrating Shrove Tuesday in their primary French lesson!

Lower KS2 pupils (Y3 & Y4) practised expressing likes and dislikes about various pancake toppings.

Upper KS2 pupils (Y5 & Y6) also practised expressing likes and dislikes about pancake toppings. This was a perfect opportunity for the older children to recap some core grammar points about Je/J', gender of nouns, forming plural nouns and à + le = au.  They were then encouraged to extend their answers by using conjunctions, intensifiers and adjectives.  The children enjoyed having a “group chat” in French about what pancake toppings they liked and disliked.
They concluded the lesson by producing some written work about their opinions and presented it to the rest of the class!

Bravo les enfants et bon appétit!

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