Wednesday 20 July 2016

Les Jeux Olympiques - Rio 2016!

The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Rio 2016 Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching primary French at the end of the summer term!

In KS2, all year groups have been busy working on a wide range of Olympic themed activities which promote speaking, listening, reading and writing, including reading passages about sports, the Olympics and Brazil, surveys and much more!

We introduced this topic by watching this engaging videoclip which highlights some key facts about the Olympics.

We discussed the significance of the Olympic rings, the Olympic torch and the Olympic mascots.  The children also learnt some background information on France at the Olympics.

We followed on by introducing the 28 Rio 2016 Olympic sports in French!  All children focused on being able to understand the Olympic sports in French and being able to pronounce them correctly.  

Y3 followed on by completing word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games and activities linked to these sports.

Y4 revised how to express simple opinions in French and then wrote some simple sentences about whether or not they liked various Olympic sports.

Y5 & Y6 revised how to express opinions and use adjectives in French!  They then wrote a paragraph in French about whether or not they liked various Olympic sports and stated why!

Impressive work at the end of a busy term!

Bravo les enfants!

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