Sunday 20 September 2015

Bonjour ! Ça va ?

Year 3 have been learning how to greet someone and ask how someone is.

The children started off by learning various ways of greeting someone in French.

We watched a short clip about common greetings:

Then, we talked about what "Faire la bise" means.
French family, friends, and some colleagues exchange kisses on both cheeks upon meeting and leaving, as well as to congratulate or thank someone.  This French gesture may also be made by two people, especially children and young adults, introduced by a mutual friend.  The Year 3 pupils commented on how this is quite different from greeting someone in the UK !  The number of kisses exchanged can vary from region to region as shown on this map:

We followed on by introducing the question "Ça va ?" (How are you ?) along with different ways of responding.

We watched a short clip about Roller and his friends saying how they were all feeling ...
...before saying how we were all feeling ourselves:

Pupils then practised this simple greetings dialogue in pairs: 
Some pupils recorded their conversations using the app YAKiT Kids:

Bravo les enfants !

We ended the lesson by joining in with this fun greetings song...

Why not watch this short BBC episode of Virtually There, Let me introduce myself to learn a little bit more about greetings :

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